Friday, November 13, 2009

Tea Parties: Misunderstood and Vastly Underrated

Just ran across this piece by Kyle-Anne Shiver in the American Thinker. It says it well.
Elected officials of every political stripe ought to be shaking down to their Gucci loafers and pumps. History is forming and firming up harder than the proverbial brick wall right outside their congressional glass house. Yet they seem utterly oblivious.

Since last April, I've written a few columns on the Tea Parties, but I had never actually attended one in person. I harbored a few misconceptions, formed at a distance through the media's drive-by lens. Being a woman who tends to cower in crowds and who loves the security and solitude of my little office-cloister, I had been content to write based on the observations of others. But an Alabama homemaker-turned-activist, Suzanne Green of Birmingham, pulled me into the bosom of the Tea Party movement along with the Rainy Day Patriots.

And, honey, I'm here to tell you, it's a fiery hot bosom indeed.
Click the link above and read the rest. Then get the hell out of our way.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful piece. But I do not think the Dems are clueless. I think they are fully aware and they know they are in trouble.
    But they also know that many, many people get their news from the so-called mainstream... and those folks ARE clueless! I personaly know several, and believe me, they are stone cold stupid!
    Since the Dems know these folks are not likely to hear an opposing view, they just poo-poo the whole Tea Party movement and their groveling adherents believe them.
    But, like Kyle-Anne Shiver, many are venturing into the light, and the movement grows.
