Sunday, June 26, 2011

Does anyone believe

those political talking points? Or do they just keep repeating them to persuade the uninformed to believe a lie?

Last night my wife and I attended a Town Hall type meeting conducted by our New Mexico Congressman, Republican Stevan Pearce. A couple of people persisted in demanding to know why the Republicans refused to "tax the rich" as a way to ease the nation's debt crisis. After the Congressman quoted New Mexico's former Democrat governor Bill Richardson that raising taxes killed jobs, the questioner stormed out of the meeting in a huff.

The fact is, if the government confiscated every dime of income of the top 2% of the nation's earners - not just an increase in their tax rates, but every dime of their income - it would raise only enough cash to operate the government for a week or ten days. There are other sound reasons why raising tax rates on top income earners would be a mistake, but are more reasons needed?

Again, I ask... does anyone believe those talking points? I worry that they do, and those people also vote.

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