Saturday, May 9, 2009

Just Doodlin'

Good morning everybody. I hope and pray you are all well.
It's Saturday morning and I'm the only one up at this hour. I wanted to help Sam get his leads to NY early this morning. (He has no fax capabilities at Samuel's house.) So, alone and in a reflective mood, I thought I'd share a few words with Uncle Sam's Tavern readers.
My niece Jenny is getting married today in Charleston, SC. Jenny is special. I've known her all her life. I first visited her when her mother brought her home from the hospital. She amazed me every time I saw her. She was always outstanding. Top of her class in elementary school, top of her class in high school, and top of her class every where she went. She was an exchange student in her senior year and spent that year in Holland. She is lovely, graceful, intelligent, and has always been wise beyond her years. Like her Dad, she went into insurance sales. In no time she was the number one salesman in her district, then district manager and finally regional manager. She was able to retire at age 45. Her character never faltered. She was always the same, and that was always good. One night while I was visiting her family in Newtown Square when she was sixteen, She came home from baby sitting, her father asked her to play something for us on the piano. She didn't fuss as some teenagers would, she just sat down and played a Mozart concerto without error. It was 10 minutes of musical bliss. If I haven't made it clear, I have always admired Jenny and I had the opportunity to tell her at her mother's funeral.
Why do I bring this up? Well, I've been thinking about her since it's her wedding day today and I must tell you I have another reason.
As I sit here at my desk, my daughter is in a room upstairs from me sleeping. She is tall and lovely, intelligent and talented. She is everything I've ever wanted a daughter to be. Please don't misunderstand, I love all my daughters and I am very proud of them. Each of them came into a different family. Even though they had the same parents, they came into my life at different times. Different situations shape their lives. So, just let me take a minute to talk about the one that is shaping my life right now. Mackenzie is her own woman. She is well centered and knows what she's all about. She too can sit and play a Mozart concerto. She too can be whatever she wants to be. She has the drive and determination to do whatever she decides she wants to do. I hope she'll understand when I say she is my Jenny Graf. I greatly admire Kenzi. I look back and wonder what I'd be like if I had her determination and drive when I was 18. We'll never know, will we?
I guess I'm looking into the months ahead when I'll be missing her. I thank the God of my understanding that she won't be going too far away and that I'll probably still get to see her on most weekends. I will miss her. JC

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