Saturday, May 16, 2009

Too clever by half

In their latest show of dignity and respect for the office, presidential advisor David Axelrod is making an appearance on a game show today. How lovely for him.

As often happens when you put a stupid liberal in front of a receptive audience and give him an opportunity to be "witty," Axelrod proved that he just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.
Mr. Axelrod – or, as host Peter Sagal called him, “the moustache behind the throne” – was on to play “Not My Job,” in which notable people face pop quizzes about subjects they are totally unfamiliar with. (In Mr. Axelrod’s case, that meant failed historical Utopian movements – or, as the show dubbed it, “No, We Can’t.”)


At times, the “Rasputin in this magic kingdom,” as Mr. Sagal also labeled him, was dismissive of his predecessors in the White House, such as when he was asked about comparisons to Karl Rove, a chief adviser to former President George W. Bush.

“I always reject that,” Mr. Axelrod said. “I would like to think we’re better than that.”

And when discussion turned to the more liberal dress code of the Obama West Wing, a tieless Mr. Axelrod brushed off criticism from members of the previous administration, saying the country “saw how things went” under those more buttoned-up wardrobes.


Finally, there was the conversation weaving between, of all things, Miss California U.S.A. Carrie Prejean, the same-sex marriage opponent who the panel had already mocked at length, and Bo, the Obama family’s Portuguese water dog.

When Mr. Axelrod was asked how involved he was in the selection of Bo, he jokingly answered that he “only got called in for the final three.”

But as Mr. Axelrod was trying to set the record straight – he actually was not consulted – Mr. Sagal asked about the two runner-ups.

“One was Miss California,” Mr. Axelrod cracked to the audience’s laughter.

Don't you sleep better at night knowing there are such mature, responsible and dedicated public servants watching over us in the White House? What an ass.

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