Monday, January 4, 2010

My idea of a fair critique:

The ignorance, the incompetence, the inconsistency, the total inability to govern, currently being displayed by the left, the progressives, the idiots among the Democrats currently running Congress and the Administration, baffle me.

To list all the things they are doing wrong would take a book which, happily, I am sure others are now writing. (Never mind that future clueless liberals will never read those books!)

I just listened to another of their spinners explain for the umteenth time why the Panty Bomber is going to be tried in civilian court. Hey! Richard Reid the shoe bomber, was tried in a civilian court as ordered by BUSH PEOPLE!

An hour, or a channel or a news program earlier, another spinner (defending Obama's insistence that Yemenis currently held at Gitmo be released back to Yemen) insisted that the Yemenis now accused of training, supporting and equipping the panty bomber were once imprisioned at Gitmo but were released from Gitmo by orders from the BUSH PEOPLE!

Suddenly, the actions taken by the Bush Administration are reason enough for repeating those same actions. This after eight years of telling us that everything George W. Bush ever did was wrong, wrong, wrong!

C'mon, you dummies! After telling us something was terribly wrong, shouldn't we expect you to be doing something differently?

No, not when you are ignorant, incompetent, inconsistent and totally devoid of ability. When all those things apply, you just stumble along in your ignorant, incompetent, inconsistent way and when it all goes wrong, you (in honest surprise) exclaim, "Hey, your guy did it first!"

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