Sunday, March 7, 2010

Why's He Doing It?

I keep getting emails from patriotic conservative groups warning that we must kill the Health Care bill now. What's the rush? Didn't Mitch McConnell just warn that, if Obamacare passes, every Republican candidate will campaign on repealing the monster?

And isn't almost everyone saying the Democrats are committing political suicide by pushing for passage? Doesn't that foretell a Republican landslide in November? Will that not assure a big push in Congress to reverse the legislation before it even becomes effective? The "R"s may even regain control of both sides of Congress - may even gain enough seats to override a Obama veto.

Do Reid, Pelosi and friends have a death wish? Is Obama wacky?

Am I the only one old enough to remember Jimmy Carter? Has everyone forgotten his soft, Southern drawl reminding us that we have no national energy policy, and proclaiming "That's ridiculous!" So, he gave us The Department Of Energy. We all said, "So what? We'll get rid of Jimmy and then we'll get rid of The D.O.E."

And, how about the Department of Education? I recall many voices promising to dump that department, also!

Well, we got rid of Jimmy. We've had eight years of Reagan; four of Bush 41 and eight of Bush 43. And we have had a host of Republican Congresses.

And.... we still have D.O.E.! We still have the Department of Education! We still have E.P.A.! We still have the I.R.S.! We still have a lot of Progressive crap we swore we'd get rid of.

The fact of the matter is, an ounce of prevention outweighs many tons of cure. The Progressives know well how this all works.

In case you are still not quite clear, Mark Steyn is much more lucid in his IBD explanation of Why's He Doing It? Check him out. Kill the bill now!

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