Friday, July 10, 2009

The Genesis
of the reelection of Barack Obama.

It is early 2011. President Barack Obama steps to the lectern in the U.S. House Of Representatives to address a joint session of the U.S. Congress, his cabinet members, leaders of the Pentagon, the U.S. Supreme Court and other dignitaries, as to the current state of the Union.

Following the obligatory individual greetings, he turns to face the cameras and the microphones to address the American people, and the people of the world. Looking back at him are many new faces, Representatives and Senators elected the previous November in sufficient numbers to completely shift the balance of power in the Congress.

"My fellow Americans", he begins, "the state of our Union is dire. Figures for unemployment and inflation are near all-time highs. Average values of stocks have plunged. The value of the U.S. Dollar is so depreciated it is no longer considered the prime currency of the world. Many great American institutions, public and private, have been destroyed or greatly diminished. The prestige of our nation has likewise diminished. Rogue nations, ruled by evil men, flaunt their newly acquired weapons in our face and dare us to do anything about it. Many around the world are predicting that, like the old Soviet Union, the United States itself is on the verge of collapse. Americans, without smiling, are referring to the 1970s, during the Carter Administration, as 'the good old days!'

"Two years ago, in November of 2008, millions of Americans voted for me to become their president. A great number of these voters were like the poor minorities I had worked with as a Community Organizer in Chicago. People who literally lived from one paycheck (or welfare check) to the next, seeing no hope of ever achieving financial Independence - or even stability. I felt great empathy for each of these people and wished there were a way I could lift the burden of poverty from their shoulders.

"These largely first time voters, were given voice by an educated class that had long dreamed of a world without poverty, without pain or suffering. People who believed that many of the world's problems were caused by bullying super powers. And who believed those problems could be solved by eliminating the bullies. Sadly, they were often financed by very wealthy people who had no concern for the poor and suffering, but had dreams of somehow acquiring even greater wealth.

"Upon my inauguration, I felt compelled to work for the aspirations of those who supported me. I tried very hard to carry out the wishes of the liberal elite with whom I had surrounded myself. The Democrat controlled Congress hastily passed legislation to turn those wishes into law. I happily approved their legislation.

"Now, two years have passed, and the entire world is witness to the utter and complete failure of those ideas. In short, we have been given a long leash and have fully proven that the liberal, diplomacy oriented, 'government as care-giver' philosophy will not work. Those of you who are new to this body were chosen by the American people to come to Washington and to 'fix it.' Together, that is now exactly what we will do. Soon I will announce many new appointments to my cabinet and my staff. I ask everyone to suggest the names of patriots who will work tirelessly to help me repair the damage that has been done.

"I want this Congress to give me new legislation that will cancel and revoke much of the foolish legislation we have so recently passed... legislation which I will gratefully sign. I want this Congress to cut taxes at every opportunity, to return to the people the money we have so wrongly confiscated.

"I want every government bureau to be examined with fresh eyes and fresh minds. Any which cannot be unanimously proven to be necessary will be eliminated. I want every entitlement examined and those not earned or deserved will be ended.

"I want the best military minds to reexamine our military forces with an eye to restoring them to the greatest position of strength and effectiveness the world has ever known.

"I want every able bodied citizen who is drawing welfare to submit to mandatory training to acquire skills that can make them independent.

"I want to see our educational system completely revamped, from kindergarten on, so that every citizen is taught the basics of democracy and self-reliance until it becomes an inseparable part of their psyche. Your parents and grandparents knew that if they were disruptive in school, they would get their bottoms spanked - first by their teacher, then by their parents. In this modern age, we need not return to the hickory stick, but foolishness must be eliminated from our education curriculum. No more video games or texting cell phones in the classroom. School sports must be returned to a tool for building character, learning teamwork & the values of hard work. Those who cannot win must fail, and be taught to learn from that failure.

I want the entire environmental movement to be revisited. No more living in the past, assuming that outdated and discarded technology still exist. We need new technology to produce clean energy, technology we are nearing but do not yet have. Until we do, let us make full and best use of our own resources to permit our treasure to be directed toward developing that new technology instead of being sent around the world to enrich hostile governments.

"We have made mistakes. But mistakes can be corrected. That is now the job before us. Let's all get to work!

Thunderous applause rocked the great hall. Deafening silence emanated from TV network news anchors. Millions of ordinary Americans shed tears of joy and promised to now support this re-awakened young president.

Hey... it could happen! :-)


  1. And leopards can change their spots!

    Beautiful piece, beautiful dream...original?

    Wish I could believe it, even with 1% of my heart. But The Messiah, faced with the situation described, would blame us for not doing enough - not sacrificing enough - not reducing our military enough to serve as a grand example to the despots.

    I, too, love to dream. But not for one millisecond do I believe that the incompetent socialist/fascist those first time voters put in charge is capable of learning from his own grave mistakes.

  2. Original? Absolutely.

    Possible? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

  3. And I thought the author of this was against using mind altering substances... Oh well. We live and learn. It was one hell of an idea. It would be the right thing to do... So, you know that the left thinking Kenyan would never say anything like that, but... we can dream, can't we???
