Congressman Moore -
Eleven years ago the good people of the state of Kansas saw something in you. They saw a man they thought they could trust to represent and protect their interests. They saw a man they thought shared their ethics, values and sense of personal responsibility. They gave you their vote, their confidence...trusted you to do what was in their best interest. In the years since, most of those voters have paid little attention to what you were actually doing in their name - they simply trusted you to do the right thing.
This year things are a little different. This year, we have video proof that there are people in the White House who are light years away from traditional Kansas values. From Van Jones, the self-avowed Communist, to Anita Dunn, who derives her political philosophies from Chairman Mao, right up to the President who spent 20 years attending a Black Liberation Theology church, these people do not see the greatness of this nation as your constituents do. Rather, they see this as a flawed society crying out for their control and micro-management.
In the Congress, the inmates are running the asylum. Nancy Pelosi's vision of Utopia may appeal to the left wing ultra liberals in San Francisco, but they certainly do not fit the founders' vision for this nation. Harry Reid has strayed so far to the left that even liberal and decadent Las Vegas is seriously considering firing him. Chris Dodd and Barney Frank bear more responsibility for our current economic meltdown than any other two living human beings. And still they thirst for more - more power, more control over the people of the United States.
This will not stand.
Congressman, you have a choice to make. Will you continue to vote the party line, showing complete disregard for those who have given you the honor of representing them in Washington? Or will you remember where you came from?
Surely you cannot agree that destroying our currency is good for the people you represent. Can you possibly believe that another unsustainable entitlement program is in the best interests of Kansans? Can you honestly claim that the billions in new taxes and massive controls of Cap and Trade are good for this nation? Judging from your complete absence from the public eye during the August recess, the answer is clear: you know that you are no longer serving those who sent you to Washington and you lack the courage to face us and hear from us first hand.
Sir, I appeal to whatever shreds of Kansas values still lurk somewhere deep inside you - stand up for your district! Your vote in favor of any more bloated federal government programs or policies would seriously risk the complete destruction of everything this country has spent two centuries building. Can you honestly bear to have that on your conscience for the rest of your days?
Do not take this country any further down the road to socialism. Do not allow your legacy to be so shameful. What may seem like going along to get along is destroying all that America represents. Each vote you cast becomes a permanent part of the history of our country - please make it a history that will continue to make us all proud of our nation.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
We Are All Founding Fathers Now
Found this in the forums on As A Mom...I'm reposting it exactly as originally posted by Lori Yas.
My husband wrote this guest commentary for the Naples Daily News in May. If you agree with the content pass it on. It would be nice to even get into other newspapers.
Posted May 30, 2009 at 5 p.m.
We Are All Founding Fathers Now
Newsweek magazine recently proclaimed, “We are all socialists now.” Maybe it’s true. We just don’t seem to have it in us anymore. We’re no longer the country of rugged individualists portrayed in the movies. Americans have grown dependent on the federal nanny state. And, they seem to like it. John Wayne doesn’t live here anymore.
So, let’s gather in Philadelphia, draft a Declaration of Dependence and submit these facts to a candid world:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that without federal government intervention, we cannot take care of ourselves, our families or our neighbors; that we are endowed by the cynical benevolence of Washington politicians with certain unalienable rights, and that chief among these are taxpayer-funded happiness and well-being.
“And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on our own inadequacy, we pledge to the federal government our blind loyalty, our incomes and our sacred liberty.”
But, maybe Newsweek was wrong — a modern day “Dewey defeats Truman” moment. Average citizens, previously too busy bettering themselves and doing right by their neighbors to be “activists,” are realizing that their country is being changed in a fundamental and irreversible way. America is finally succumbing to socialism’s 100-year assault on the founders’ Constitution.
We’ve reached a tipping point, a moment in history when the core philosophy of our nation is being reset for good.
Let’s face facts. We are founding our country anew. Only the Revolutionary War and Civil War periods rival the coming four years in importance. If we are intellectually honest and aware, it’s clear that we are being forced to choose: become full-blown socialists or turn back to our historical roots as a constitutional republic.
Time is short. This “third founding” will be complete within the next four years. This is our last chance to take back the power we’ve ceded to Washington.
Did Newsweek get it wrong? We’ll know soon enough. We’ll have an idea of what road we’re on after the 2010 midterm elections. The morning after the next presidential election, we’ll know for sure.
It’s late, but the battle of ideas has finally been joined in earnest. I say “in earnest” because people finally realize that both political parties are speeding us down F.A. Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom.” People finally grasp that the choice is not between Republicans and Democrats, but between an intrusive federal nanny state run by both parties or a movement by the people to take back the power originally reserved for them by the founders.
The founders’ constitutional republic protected individual liberty. Their decentralized government ensured that the people could govern themselves locally — those most directly affected had the most say. In the centralized, mass democracy we’ve become, this federalism is a historical footnote.
And, it wasn’t an accident. According to Claes Ryn, a professor of politics, the political philosophy which nurtured this federal monster is a “moral hoax” because it allows big government’s proponents to “ooze benevolence for people in the abstract.” They don’t have to do concrete things for specific people. It’s checkbook morality: “moralism made easy.”
The Supreme Court has aided and abetted this transformation of the founders’ Constitution by ignoring or rewriting the clauses limiting government power.
In “Restoring the Lost Constitution,” Randy Barnett vividly describes the result: “The Constitution that was actually enacted and formally adopted creates islands of government powers in a sea of liberty. The judicially redacted Constitution creates islands of liberty rights in a sea of governmental power.”
How do we tame this monster? Barnett answers in “A Bill of Federalism” ( We must demand that the federal government return the power it has usurped and restore the original balance of power between the federal, state and local governments.
But legally and politically, we can’t ignore the Supreme Court cases that put us here. We must amend the Constitution and reinvigorate our founders’ concept of federalism. Then, we can assume control over our own lives again, just as the founders intended.
Like the founders before us, we must debate this central question: What is the proper role of government in the lives of free people? Either we will re-affirm the philosophy and virtues of our founders and re-invigorate the constitutional republic they created, or we will take the final step to European-style socialism.
I see ahead the last off ramp on Hayek’s road to serfdom. Let’s take that exit marked “individual liberty, limited government and free enterprise.” Join the debate. We are all Founding Fathers now.
Yashko is the managing partner in Florida for the Roetzel & Andress law firm. However, he says these are his own views. He is a graduate cum laude of Northwestern University Law School.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Who spends more than a million dollars to avoid showing their birth certificate?
I wouldn't spend ten dollars to avoid showing mine. I'm not a "birther" really, but I do find the question puzzling. There is no earthly reason a person would be so secretive if they had nothing to hide. Estimates say Obama has spent at least $1.4 million defending against case after case questioning his eligibility...he could have stopped them all by producing a single piece of paper. The certificate of live birth that was posted online has been proven to be a forgery, with a great deal of supporting documentation. What is he hiding?
These questions, despite my efforts to ignore this nonsense and focus on the issues, have been haunting me for months. Now, I can add many more questions, thanks to an article I read today. Do you have more than one Social Security number? Do you know anyone who does? Is it even LEGAL? Somehow, Dear Leader apparently has several. Why?
Why are there no records of his life, his parents' lives, even his grandparents' lives?
Why does no one at Columbia remember him? Why isn't his picture in the yearbook? Who paid for his Harvard education? Why is his Selective Service registration altered? Who the hell is this man who so loves collecting radical friends and associates?
Click here and read the article at the link. It asks these questions, gives a great deal more background information, and will make even the most gullible Obamabots wonder. But hurry...before it, too disappears.
These questions, despite my efforts to ignore this nonsense and focus on the issues, have been haunting me for months. Now, I can add many more questions, thanks to an article I read today. Do you have more than one Social Security number? Do you know anyone who does? Is it even LEGAL? Somehow, Dear Leader apparently has several. Why?
Why are there no records of his life, his parents' lives, even his grandparents' lives?
Why does no one at Columbia remember him? Why isn't his picture in the yearbook? Who paid for his Harvard education? Why is his Selective Service registration altered? Who the hell is this man who so loves collecting radical friends and associates?
Click here and read the article at the link. It asks these questions, gives a great deal more background information, and will make even the most gullible Obamabots wonder. But hurry...before it, too disappears.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Embarrassed, again!
In the 1960s, during the administration of President Lyndon Johnson, then first lady Ladybird Johnson gave voice to a big campaign to restrict billboards. They "polluted" the view, you know!
At the time, I was managing a radio station in Kansas. Along with most other radio people, I strongly opposed Mrs. Johnson's campaign. While we were, indeed, a news disseminating medium, we were also an advertising medium, and sorely needed all the advertising dollars we could attract. Billboards were a tough competitor for those ad dollars, because most billboard ad contracts were for extended periods of time. When an advertiser bought a bunch of billboards, his ad budget was locked up for several months, perhaps even a year. I would have loved to have seen that competition removed from my world.
But radio people worried that if the government could wipe out billboards, radio could become their next target? We already had people complaining that our towers, like billboards, were an eyesore. Mostly, however, we just resented the government taking action against a legal, legitimate business.
Eventually the anti-billboard campaign petered out. I don't know how much we broadcasters helped make that happen, but I have always been proud that we stood up.
Now our government is waging war on Fox News Channel. Glen Beck, one of the Fox commentators, believes the White House is planning to "punish" FNC. How might they do that? Well, maybe they could prevail against Comcast, Time Warner, and the satellite companies, to refuse to carry FNC.
Do you see the other networks - cable or broadcast - coming to the defense of FNC? To my great embarrassment, you do not.
Recently, the so-called mainstream media (a term used to distinguish the big news outfits from bloggers, columnists and other small voices) have embarrassed me repeatedly. When CNN furrowed their brow and did a "fact check" of a Saturday Night Live comedy skit critical of President Obama, I almost wept.
When I ran a radio station, it was not a business. It was not a job. It was a love affair! Our radio station did things that made me enormously proud. Once a local newspaper did a story praising our coverage of a tornado threat. Once the vaunted New York Times mentioned our station in a story about talk radio, then a new phenomena. Another time, that same New York Times did a story about our station staging a promotion (celebrating the opening of a new municipal airport) wherein a young woman - my wife - was given her first flying lesson and soloed the plane, all in one day. The first time a woman had ever done that. Each of those events made me so proud.
The most salary I was ever paid in radio was below today's minimum wage. But, we were doing some great things. It has been thirty five years since my last day in radio. For thirty five years I have been proud to tell people of my 25 year radio career.
Today... well, how can you brag about having been a part of an industry that now is an embarrassment?
Wow! ALL members of the White House Press Corps refused to participate in the interview of a Czar if Fox was excluded! There is hope... once infected by the journalism virus, it apparently is not so easy to expunge it!
In the 1960s, during the administration of President Lyndon Johnson, then first lady Ladybird Johnson gave voice to a big campaign to restrict billboards. They "polluted" the view, you know!
At the time, I was managing a radio station in Kansas. Along with most other radio people, I strongly opposed Mrs. Johnson's campaign. While we were, indeed, a news disseminating medium, we were also an advertising medium, and sorely needed all the advertising dollars we could attract. Billboards were a tough competitor for those ad dollars, because most billboard ad contracts were for extended periods of time. When an advertiser bought a bunch of billboards, his ad budget was locked up for several months, perhaps even a year. I would have loved to have seen that competition removed from my world.
But radio people worried that if the government could wipe out billboards, radio could become their next target? We already had people complaining that our towers, like billboards, were an eyesore. Mostly, however, we just resented the government taking action against a legal, legitimate business.
Eventually the anti-billboard campaign petered out. I don't know how much we broadcasters helped make that happen, but I have always been proud that we stood up.
Now our government is waging war on Fox News Channel. Glen Beck, one of the Fox commentators, believes the White House is planning to "punish" FNC. How might they do that? Well, maybe they could prevail against Comcast, Time Warner, and the satellite companies, to refuse to carry FNC.
Do you see the other networks - cable or broadcast - coming to the defense of FNC? To my great embarrassment, you do not.
Recently, the so-called mainstream media (a term used to distinguish the big news outfits from bloggers, columnists and other small voices) have embarrassed me repeatedly. When CNN furrowed their brow and did a "fact check" of a Saturday Night Live comedy skit critical of President Obama, I almost wept.
When I ran a radio station, it was not a business. It was not a job. It was a love affair! Our radio station did things that made me enormously proud. Once a local newspaper did a story praising our coverage of a tornado threat. Once the vaunted New York Times mentioned our station in a story about talk radio, then a new phenomena. Another time, that same New York Times did a story about our station staging a promotion (celebrating the opening of a new municipal airport) wherein a young woman - my wife - was given her first flying lesson and soloed the plane, all in one day. The first time a woman had ever done that. Each of those events made me so proud.
The most salary I was ever paid in radio was below today's minimum wage. But, we were doing some great things. It has been thirty five years since my last day in radio. For thirty five years I have been proud to tell people of my 25 year radio career.
Today... well, how can you brag about having been a part of an industry that now is an embarrassment?
Wow! ALL members of the White House Press Corps refused to participate in the interview of a Czar if Fox was excluded! There is hope... once infected by the journalism virus, it apparently is not so easy to expunge it!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Destruction of a Nation
Membership in As A Mom hit 50,000 today. Fifty thousand Americans, mostly women, though there are a few men, all terrified about what is happening to our country.
This organization has been an incredible, eye-opening experience for me. The personal stories are diverse beyond imagination - we are moms, grandmothers, stepmothers, guardians, women who hope to one day become moms. There are women of every imaginable size, shape and color, from every state in the land, every political party, every walk of life. Women who have gardens and can most of their own food - women who don't know how to boil water.
In all our diversity, there is one common thread. Every one of these fifty thousand women believes that our nation is in mortal danger.
Even before the election, Barack Obama was tearing this country apart. I have read countless stories of grandmothers who can no longer see their grandchildren because they tried to convince their own daughters that this man posed a grave threat to our future. The mothers chose a politician over their own mothers! Military moms are torn between pride in their children and fear that the incompetance in the White House is forcing those children into unbearable situations and risking their lives for a cause that will soon be abandoned. We have black moms who are furious beyond words at the way people of color are being made ever more dependent on the handouts that are destroying them.
Moms are teaching other moms how to prepare for Armageddon - what to stock up on, how to store it, even discussing building fallout shelters. The fear is everywhere. The pleas for someone to tell them what to do, how to change things, how to stop this collision with disaster are the conversation threads with the most responses. Every new news item brings a new chorus of "What are we going to do?" Every day reveals a new threat, a new cause, a new worry that our freedom is being stolen from us in ever bigger grabs. There are so many perceived threats it is impossible even to remember them all, much less fight them.
Against all odds, this little gathering of women is networking, sharing knowledge, advising those who seek it, posing and debating ideas and plans of attack. Many turn to God, certain that He will provide - while others advocate upping the ante through civil disobedience...or perhaps worse? Always left unspoken is the thought that the day of armed resistance may be approaching. So many of these women have never given politics more than a passing thought in their lives, but are now prepared to do whatever it takes to defend the nation they never realized they loved. There are those who are confident - real pioneer spirits - who are prepared, who could live indefinitely off their stockpiles and their land, and there are those who no longer sleep and can barely eat because their fear has overwhelmed them.
If anyone had told me a year ago that I would be part of such a group, I would likely have laughed at them. Now, I wish our numbers were 100 times what they are.
My mind keeps going back to the Anbar Awakening in Iraq. The turning point in the war there - the moment when the citizens collectively stood up and said, "Enough!" Finally, Americans are standing up and saying the same. It feels like a wildfire from my perspective, spreading out of control across the nation, and it is the best thing that has happened in this country in my lifetime. In the face of the greatest potential for destruction that our nation has ever faced, the American spirit is shining through. We still lack organization, and many of our members are very uneducated on the issues, but with each passing day more join our ranks and we become a bit more of a force, more determined and better prepared to prevent the destruction of our nation.
Perhaps Glenn Beck is right. Perhaps it will be the Moms who save us after all.
This organization has been an incredible, eye-opening experience for me. The personal stories are diverse beyond imagination - we are moms, grandmothers, stepmothers, guardians, women who hope to one day become moms. There are women of every imaginable size, shape and color, from every state in the land, every political party, every walk of life. Women who have gardens and can most of their own food - women who don't know how to boil water.
In all our diversity, there is one common thread. Every one of these fifty thousand women believes that our nation is in mortal danger.
Even before the election, Barack Obama was tearing this country apart. I have read countless stories of grandmothers who can no longer see their grandchildren because they tried to convince their own daughters that this man posed a grave threat to our future. The mothers chose a politician over their own mothers! Military moms are torn between pride in their children and fear that the incompetance in the White House is forcing those children into unbearable situations and risking their lives for a cause that will soon be abandoned. We have black moms who are furious beyond words at the way people of color are being made ever more dependent on the handouts that are destroying them.
Moms are teaching other moms how to prepare for Armageddon - what to stock up on, how to store it, even discussing building fallout shelters. The fear is everywhere. The pleas for someone to tell them what to do, how to change things, how to stop this collision with disaster are the conversation threads with the most responses. Every new news item brings a new chorus of "What are we going to do?" Every day reveals a new threat, a new cause, a new worry that our freedom is being stolen from us in ever bigger grabs. There are so many perceived threats it is impossible even to remember them all, much less fight them.
Against all odds, this little gathering of women is networking, sharing knowledge, advising those who seek it, posing and debating ideas and plans of attack. Many turn to God, certain that He will provide - while others advocate upping the ante through civil disobedience...or perhaps worse? Always left unspoken is the thought that the day of armed resistance may be approaching. So many of these women have never given politics more than a passing thought in their lives, but are now prepared to do whatever it takes to defend the nation they never realized they loved. There are those who are confident - real pioneer spirits - who are prepared, who could live indefinitely off their stockpiles and their land, and there are those who no longer sleep and can barely eat because their fear has overwhelmed them.
If anyone had told me a year ago that I would be part of such a group, I would likely have laughed at them. Now, I wish our numbers were 100 times what they are.
My mind keeps going back to the Anbar Awakening in Iraq. The turning point in the war there - the moment when the citizens collectively stood up and said, "Enough!" Finally, Americans are standing up and saying the same. It feels like a wildfire from my perspective, spreading out of control across the nation, and it is the best thing that has happened in this country in my lifetime. In the face of the greatest potential for destruction that our nation has ever faced, the American spirit is shining through. We still lack organization, and many of our members are very uneducated on the issues, but with each passing day more join our ranks and we become a bit more of a force, more determined and better prepared to prevent the destruction of our nation.
Perhaps Glenn Beck is right. Perhaps it will be the Moms who save us after all.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Just Doodlin'
Well, hello again my conservative friends. How are you today? I hope everything is going well for you.
I went to my dermatologist on Tuesday afternoon and she removed a few cacti that were protruding from various places on my upper body and I'm hurting a little. April has been wonderful helping me remove and replace the bandages.
This might be a little weird, but it reminds me of our government. There are a few, actually quite a few, malignant growths in congress and, if, they could be surgically removed, the rest of the body would be better. We can surgically remove those cacti from the governing body by surgically voting for the opposite member. It's unfortuante that there is only one other party for which one can vote, isn't it? I don't know how many of you out there can remember Dave Garaway on the "tonight" show, but he had a comedian on one night around election time and this comedian was putting on a spoof about a man from the moon and an earthlig talking about the candidates. The comedian asked the man in the moom how many candidtes there were for the office on the moon and the response was 56. Wow!!! 56??? Yes, earthling, how many do you have? The answer, of course was 2. 2??? How can you get by with 2? What happens if you don't like either one??? What does happen if you don't like either one? It seems we vote for the one we dislike the least. What a sorry state of affairs. We can't change that by 2010, but we can start working on it. We can have the liberal democrats, the moderate republicans, and the conservative Constitutionalists. Wow, that's a mouthful. But, think about it. The rinos are more liberal than JFK was when he ran as a democrat.
What is happening to our country? I am outraged, but I don't want to beat that to death. We need to do everything we can do to win our country back. Write and call your representatives. Attend Town Hall meetings. Go to rallys. Sign petitions. Call you neighbors. Enlist the aid of all those on your email list to support the true constitutionalists in your area. Most importantly, VOTE!!! Talk to you soon, jc.
I went to my dermatologist on Tuesday afternoon and she removed a few cacti that were protruding from various places on my upper body and I'm hurting a little. April has been wonderful helping me remove and replace the bandages.
This might be a little weird, but it reminds me of our government. There are a few, actually quite a few, malignant growths in congress and, if, they could be surgically removed, the rest of the body would be better. We can surgically remove those cacti from the governing body by surgically voting for the opposite member. It's unfortuante that there is only one other party for which one can vote, isn't it? I don't know how many of you out there can remember Dave Garaway on the "tonight" show, but he had a comedian on one night around election time and this comedian was putting on a spoof about a man from the moon and an earthlig talking about the candidates. The comedian asked the man in the moom how many candidtes there were for the office on the moon and the response was 56. Wow!!! 56??? Yes, earthling, how many do you have? The answer, of course was 2. 2??? How can you get by with 2? What happens if you don't like either one??? What does happen if you don't like either one? It seems we vote for the one we dislike the least. What a sorry state of affairs. We can't change that by 2010, but we can start working on it. We can have the liberal democrats, the moderate republicans, and the conservative Constitutionalists. Wow, that's a mouthful. But, think about it. The rinos are more liberal than JFK was when he ran as a democrat.
What is happening to our country? I am outraged, but I don't want to beat that to death. We need to do everything we can do to win our country back. Write and call your representatives. Attend Town Hall meetings. Go to rallys. Sign petitions. Call you neighbors. Enlist the aid of all those on your email list to support the true constitutionalists in your area. Most importantly, VOTE!!! Talk to you soon, jc.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Still more on the march
I've resisted the urge to post so many videos, but this one is really something special.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
As A Mom...nears 25,000 members!
And has spawned a partner site - As A Dad! Nothing going on there yet, but we can fix that! Come on, Dads, Stepdads, Granddads and others...sign up!
UPDATE: As A near 45,000 members! Groups are forming, plans are being made. The Moms will take back America!
UPDATE: As A near 45,000 members! Groups are forming, plans are being made. The Moms will take back America!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Just received this email from As A Mom...
Subj.: On As A Mom...: chat is temprarily turned off .
It is a good day for America.
A message to all members of As A Mom...
we have over 10,000 members trying to get approval chat was eating bandwidth .
will be turned back on after we get this list widdled down a bit .
thank for you patience
Mary C
Groups Moderator/tech support
Visit As A Mom... at:
To control which emails you receive on As A Mom..., go to:
It is a good day for America.
Can you feel it?
Almost smell it in the air?
Today was a very good day for America.
This has been a very, very good week for America.
The momentum is beginning to shift. The Olympics loss was a huge blow for Obama and the White House at large (particularly Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod and, of course, Michelle my Belle...who could ask for anything more?). After all their sacrifice, and the prodigious carbon footprint their jaunts (plural, they flew separately) loosed upon the poor, defenseless Earth, they didn't even get a bronze. They were dead last. It is not possible to be more last than they were. The world has utterly rejected the messiah...he no longer warrants initial caps.
The Moms group is what I have been looking for - for a very long time - but I didn't know it. I have spent countless hours crawling around conservative forums, looking for a aging rebel with so much information to share, and no one to talk to who doesn't already know all of it.
For the last month or so, I've been trying to figure out how to reach out to women. More than 50% of women are Democrats. This is illogical. Well more than 50% of women are mothers, the vast majority of them good, loving mothers. They care deeply about their children and the future. If they understood what Democrats stood for, there is no possible way they could support the dismal future continued progressive rule would bring. The only possible explanation is that they are uninformed. This I can handle.
There are more than 9,400 members in the As A Mom... group now. They are reading my blogs, watching my videos, asking me questions. I have found my niche.
There are many other well-informed, passionate and engaged women there, also sharing their knowledge. The range of topics is wonderful, the depth of understanding impressive. This is going to make a difference. A big difference.
Beck is after Valerie Jarrett now. The White House is badly wounded and losing influence on every front. We are gaining in strength, knowledge, determination and number. We have it in our power to begin the world over again.
We have to redouble our efforts. The message is starting to penetrate, despite the dearth of media coverage. We have thirteen months until the election - there is no limit to what we can accomplish!
And we have thousands (9881 now!) of motivated, hungry, excited recruits. I was in chat on there tonight, mocking Dear Leader, leading chants of FIRED UP! READY TO GO! They are. Like you can't imagine.
This is a very good day for America.
Today was a very good day for America.
This has been a very, very good week for America.
The momentum is beginning to shift. The Olympics loss was a huge blow for Obama and the White House at large (particularly Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod and, of course, Michelle my Belle...who could ask for anything more?). After all their sacrifice, and the prodigious carbon footprint their jaunts (plural, they flew separately) loosed upon the poor, defenseless Earth, they didn't even get a bronze. They were dead last. It is not possible to be more last than they were. The world has utterly rejected the messiah...he no longer warrants initial caps.
The Moms group is what I have been looking for - for a very long time - but I didn't know it. I have spent countless hours crawling around conservative forums, looking for a aging rebel with so much information to share, and no one to talk to who doesn't already know all of it.
For the last month or so, I've been trying to figure out how to reach out to women. More than 50% of women are Democrats. This is illogical. Well more than 50% of women are mothers, the vast majority of them good, loving mothers. They care deeply about their children and the future. If they understood what Democrats stood for, there is no possible way they could support the dismal future continued progressive rule would bring. The only possible explanation is that they are uninformed. This I can handle.
There are more than 9,400 members in the As A Mom... group now. They are reading my blogs, watching my videos, asking me questions. I have found my niche.
There are many other well-informed, passionate and engaged women there, also sharing their knowledge. The range of topics is wonderful, the depth of understanding impressive. This is going to make a difference. A big difference.
Beck is after Valerie Jarrett now. The White House is badly wounded and losing influence on every front. We are gaining in strength, knowledge, determination and number. We have it in our power to begin the world over again.
We have to redouble our efforts. The message is starting to penetrate, despite the dearth of media coverage. We have thirteen months until the election - there is no limit to what we can accomplish!
And we have thousands (9881 now!) of motivated, hungry, excited recruits. I was in chat on there tonight, mocking Dear Leader, leading chants of FIRED UP! READY TO GO! They are. Like you can't imagine.
This is a very good day for America.
Let this be our battle cry
This is perhaps the most amazing video I have ever seen.
Every American needs to see this video. Share it everywhere!
Every American needs to see this video. Share it everywhere!
As A Mom...
Glenn Beck is featuring Moms prominently in the fight to take back our country, and the Moms are stepping up! I joined As A Mom... Wednesday night, when there were a few hundred members. There are now almost 6,000, and it's growing by leaps and bounds.
There are groups for special interests and individual states. We have moms, stepmoms, grandmoms, Mr. Moms, foster moms and mom wanna-bes. We have moms in every size, shape and color, with one common thread that runs through us all: We love our kids and our country, and want both to have wonderful futures.
These moms are already making huge contributions to each other, giving advice, sharing stories, giving each other strength. It's a beautiful thing to behold.
We have also started Facebook groups, national and some states...not sure what all is out there right now. I'm an admin on the national group...since Beck went on the air, I've approved about 20 requests to join.
Finally, someone has given women some recognition and respect, and they are running with it. They are planning a Million Mom March on D.C. next year - wanted to do it on Mother's Day weekend, but cannot get a permit for that weekend. The National Park Service is being very uncooperative, so one of the moms is going to go visit them in person and put them in time out! We will have a march, and it will be a thing of beauty!
Tell every mom you know...and then get out of our way!
There are groups for special interests and individual states. We have moms, stepmoms, grandmoms, Mr. Moms, foster moms and mom wanna-bes. We have moms in every size, shape and color, with one common thread that runs through us all: We love our kids and our country, and want both to have wonderful futures.
These moms are already making huge contributions to each other, giving advice, sharing stories, giving each other strength. It's a beautiful thing to behold.
We have also started Facebook groups, national and some states...not sure what all is out there right now. I'm an admin on the national group...since Beck went on the air, I've approved about 20 requests to join.
Finally, someone has given women some recognition and respect, and they are running with it. They are planning a Million Mom March on D.C. next year - wanted to do it on Mother's Day weekend, but cannot get a permit for that weekend. The National Park Service is being very uncooperative, so one of the moms is going to go visit them in person and put them in time out! We will have a march, and it will be a thing of beauty!
Tell every mom you know...and then get out of our way!
Drudge "strikes" again
Still above the banner headline "THE EGO HAS LANDED," Drudge has updated the picture:

For those of you who aren't as twisted as Matt and I, this is, I believe, the 125-foot statue of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro, being struck by lightning. The symbolism, of course, is that Rio, and it's "oh-so-appalling-to-the-left" religious sculpture, have struck down the left's Messiah like a bolt of lightning. Just fabulous!
For those of you who aren't as twisted as Matt and I, this is, I believe, the 125-foot statue of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro, being struck by lightning. The symbolism, of course, is that Rio, and it's "oh-so-appalling-to-the-left" religious sculpture, have struck down the left's Messiah like a bolt of lightning. Just fabulous!
Kansas Citians always were pushy

Obama Nation Billboard Draws Attention
New Sign Along I-70 Has Motorists Talking
BLUE SPRINGS, Mo. -- Drivers on Interstate 70 can barely see the billboard but once they do the message has been gaining attention.
The billboard is located along I-70 between the Adams Dairy Parkway and the Grain Valley exits. The billboard reads, "How do you like your change now? Obama Nation. They are coming for you! The Taxpayer. First and Second Amendments are in jeopardy. Live free or Die." There is also a hammer and sickle on the sign.
People said they might not agree with the sentiment of the sign, but they felt it was a matter of free speech. Others that KCTV5 talked to said it is offensive and should come down.
A pastor who drives by the sign during his daily commute to his church said he lived in England for years and he agreed with the message.
"We lived in a socialist society and I guess what I am seeing in America is that we are pushing to some of those ways now," he said. "Especially the hospitalization. It's taken away some of our freedoms as Americans."
KCTV5 could not reach the owner of the billboard. The mayor of Blue Springs said his office has gotten calls and e-mails about the sign.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Just Doodlin'
I've been listening to our favorite radio personalities and am aghast at the tricks the dems might be able to play to get the health care bill in as an amendment to a bill that they've been sitting on just for this purpose. If they make it an amendment to a bill that's already been approved, THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE TO VOTE ON IT!!! What the hell is going on with these rotten bastards? Our country is going down the toilet and those elected officials in DC that are supposed to be working for us are fiddling while the USA burns. Couple this with cap & trade and that old joke about the 2 line incometax return will have been correct...
Line 1. Income?
Line 2. Send it in.
I have been writing and faxing and calling and so far, I can't feel comfortable that I've done a damn thing. I can only take a little comfort in knowing that I tried. That won't do me any good when Social Security and Medicare dry up. I do know this, my grandfather told me never to trust a democrat. I never have. But, unfortunately others do. I can't imagine how those people think. I can't imagine that the people who voted for Obowma don't feel cheated. They must perceive by now that he is doing everything he can to make this a socialist country at best and a faschist country at worst. He is glorifying himself with symbols and songs and poems. Don't you believe for one minute that he didn't have somthing to do with this idiosy that's going on in classrooms all over the country. Burlington, NJ was just the first one to get caught. The man is a sociopath. We are in danger, Will Robinson.......
Call, write, fax, email, stand on your desk and scream, but make sure those low life bastards in Washington know that: We're mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore! jc
Line 1. Income?
Line 2. Send it in.
I have been writing and faxing and calling and so far, I can't feel comfortable that I've done a damn thing. I can only take a little comfort in knowing that I tried. That won't do me any good when Social Security and Medicare dry up. I do know this, my grandfather told me never to trust a democrat. I never have. But, unfortunately others do. I can't imagine how those people think. I can't imagine that the people who voted for Obowma don't feel cheated. They must perceive by now that he is doing everything he can to make this a socialist country at best and a faschist country at worst. He is glorifying himself with symbols and songs and poems. Don't you believe for one minute that he didn't have somthing to do with this idiosy that's going on in classrooms all over the country. Burlington, NJ was just the first one to get caught. The man is a sociopath. We are in danger, Will Robinson.......
Call, write, fax, email, stand on your desk and scream, but make sure those low life bastards in Washington know that: We're mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore! jc
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