Saturday, September 12, 2009

This is NOT all about Obama!

Drudge Report tonight has a headline: "Largest protest against President Obama since he took office..."

Yes and no.

Yes, it was a monstrous rally. Of historic proportions, though we'll play hell getting the media to admit that. And it was a wonderful rally. As always at Tea Parties, the attendees are mad as hell, yes...but they are nice people. If you haven't been to one of these rallies, you may think that's silly, that all people are nice. If you have been to a rally, you know that there is something really different - warm, open, friendly...hometown-ish - about Tea Partiers. We are, in some ways, throwbacks to a different time. And we are really nice. Huge rally...check.

But, no, it was not a protest "against Obama." Sure, he's the Supreme Leader of the Corrupt People, and is accordingly a prominent target of our ire. But this was a protest against a process, not a person.

If we were protesting Obama, why weren't we outside the White House?

We are protesting a government grown wildly irresponsible and recklessly wasteful and domineering. We are going to put the Federal Government back in its box.

If we can find room in there for The One, he's welcome to join them.

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