Friday, April 2, 2010

Just Doodlin'

April and I got up early, had Brian and his soon to be wife Sheree join us, and drove to Lawrence to pick up Mackenzie. We started toward Topeka and the skies opened and the downpour came. We found a parking place close to the capitol building and got out of the car. We quickly donned jackets, raised umbrellas and strode across the street to await the arrival of the Tea Party Express.

While waiting, one of the volunteers picked up a bull horn and asked us to join her in a short prayer to ask God to end the rain. As the busses arrived with the Tea Party touring members the rain slowed and stopped. The 2 hour presentation, with too numerous to count interuptions for cheering and applause, went on in a dry, if not sunny, atmosphere. It wasn't what we saw in Wichita last fall, but it was every bit as inspiring. I even heard a "rap" performance without any sexual conotation or f bombs. It was a conservative presentation that was spot on.

Despite the rain and dreary weather there were close to one thousand attendees. It was inspiring and helped me to feel that there is a chance to regain our country. If you haven't attended a Tea Party Express presentation, I urge you to do so. Drive for a few hours if necessary but go. You will be inspired and carry that enthusiasm home with you to share with your neighbors. Please do that. Share with your neighbors. The number of people that don't know what is going on with our country is staggering. Spread the word... Pass on the importance of reading and understanding the Constitution. Help the conservatives at the polls in November.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the report, John! I second your invitation to all to join a Tea Party rally. We've attended events with anywhere from a few dozen to hundreds of participants. We leave every one the same way, filled with new patriotic pride, convinced that everyday Americans are the greatest people on earth. I especially hope more Democrats will attend a Tea Party event. They will rediscover how much they love their country!
