Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Attention, Government!

Are you listening? Are you paying attention? Do you see what's happening in Iran right now? Millions of citizens are on the march, peacefully protesting a government that has outgrown its role. Ordinary people, tired of being victims of heavy-handed rule, are saying, "NO MORE!" If you are not paying attention, you should, because we are.

We, the people, are watching the situation in Iran, and we are cheering. Our admiration for the courage of these people is immense, our feeling of kinship strong. We are watching, and we are learning, and we will remember. We will remember their successes and their failures, their victories and defeats. We are with them in spirit, united with the common people in a country that most of us consider to be our enemy - united by a common hatred of political leaders. United because of you and your abysmal failure to represent our best interests. United because we share the belief that elected leaders should serve the people, not suppress and dominate them. United because we understand that your power is our power, granted you by our votes, and just as easily repealed. And repeal it we shall.

"Fire career politicians!"

"Sack all incumbents!"

"Throw the bums out!"

These are our rallying cries. These are words that you will ignore at your own peril.

We have had enough. We cannot be fooled by your rhetoric and are not impressed with your explanations of how hard you're working, how complicated it is trying to clean up the mess that your predecessors created. We were disgusted with them, too. If you think the economic mess you "inherited" is a problem, wait until you understand the enormity of the electoral mess that is about to end your reign of terror over the good people of this, the greatest country in existence.

Unlike you, we still believe in our Constitution and refuse to allow a handful of misguided politicians and unelected judges to reduce it to ashes. We refuse to be labelled "terrorists" because we protest your vision for remaking our country. You may have forgotten that you are a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but we have not and never will. We own you, and we are about to remind you of that fact.

You do not have the right to decide our wages. You are not allowed to appropriate our hard-earned money to amass more personal power for yourselves and your cronies. You may not grant yourselves ever more power to assume control over ever more of our private property. You do not know best how to manage automobile companies, banks, insurance companies, health care, schools or charities, nor do you have our permission to do so. You are not the best judges of what is right and good for us. You do not have our permission to grant amnesty to millions of people who have come here illegally because of your failure to execute one of your primary responsibilities in securing the homeland. You can't even manage that, and you want us to turn over control of our medical care to you? You must be out of your collective mind.

You have failed. It is not just this administration or this Congress that have failed, but many before you. Different administrations have had minor successes in various areas - George W. Bush, for example, kept our nation secure for seven years after September 11, 2001. For that he will always have our gratitude. In many other respects, however, he was a dismal failure. The same can be said for every other administration since the early twentieth century. Each has had strengths, but the weaknesses have ruled the day, nearly without exception. That tends to happen when you attempt to seize absolute control and vastly overstep the role you were hired to occupy. The federal government was granted limited powers by the Constitution - had you seen fit to play by the rules and tend to those tasks you were assigned, all would have been well. But your ever increasing desire for power has stretched you beyond all reason and destroyed any possibility of your success.

Enough is enough.

No more. No more taxes. No more scheming. No more political wrangling. No more restrictions on our freedom. No more robbing us of our rights. No more handouts to the lazy. No more bailouts to the incompetent. No more excuses. NO MORE!

We are watching, and we will not forget.

1 comment:

  1. As always, my dear, you are right on point. I do so admire your dedication to the "right" thing for America, not for any particular party, but for Americans. Keep up the great work. JC
