Friday, July 3, 2009

Just Doodlin'

Good morning everybody. Happy 4th of July. My birthday is the 17th of this month, my father's was on the 15th. This was always a month that brought sheer delight to me as a boy. We celebrated as do most small towns around the country, by decorating our bikes with red white and blue crepe paper, hot dogs and soda pop, and baseball games. The whole town turned out. Mothers pushed strollers with the todlers dressed patriotically. Dads contributed by volunteering to judge the participants of the parade and passing out the donated food stuffs. It was a day when ALL the people of the town got together to celebrate the wonderfulness of this great country. You may notice that I was using the past tense... Isn't that sad? It used to be a wonderful experience. Now, we have devisivness, language barriers, hate in the streets, out of control government and, worst of all, a president who hates everything for which we stand. How did this happen? Why have we allowed complacency to reign supreme? What has happened to our newspapers, mainstream TV stations, and reporters? How can the press corps sit there and listen to our president lie to them and not rise up as one and put him straight?
I really didn't want to let this become a rant, but when I think back, and I can think back a long way, I remember what it once was and I become devastated by what it has become. We, the people, need to rise up and reclaim our country. We have left wing haters in congress and a left wing hater in the White House. We are doomed to fascism if we don't take our country back. The 4th of July is a celebration of declaring our independance from oppressive rule. On what date will our grandchildren celebrate their independance from oppressive rule? I won't be around to find out, but I hope it can be done without the "shot heard 'round the world" having to be fired yet again... Shot or no, it does have to be taken back.
So, my fellow Americans, go to the polls, show your dissatisfaction by attending tea parties, and any other peaceful form of demonstration. Pray that our country be restored to that which our founding father's envisioned and make certain it happens by whatever means necessary. That's all for now. JC

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