Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy birthday, Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820, and spent the bulk of her 86 years fighting for equal rights for women. She was vilified by newspapers, pelted with rotten eggs at public appearances and burned in effigy, but she never gave up her fight. On Election Day in 1872 she became perhaps the first woman in America to cast a ballot for president, in Rochester, NY, an offense for which she was subsequently arrested, tried and fined. She never paid a nickel of the fine.

Tragically, Ms. Anthony did not live to see women get the right to vote - the 19th Amendment was not passed until 1910, four years after her death.

It is a blessing, however, that she never lived to see the utter foolishness that her lifelong struggle has brought us to today.

Women just like this one went to the polls in droves last November to cast their votes for Barack Obama, with absolutely no idea whatsoever what the man believes. Drooling, brainless, ignorant women who have absolutely no business contributing to decisions of global magnitude. A recent editorial piece on the New York Times blog gave numerous examples of the fantasies of these brainless examples of the weaker sex - in this case, they are indeed weaker, particularly mentally.

While I applaud her for her efforts and her vision, the practical reality of Susan B. Anthony's life work may well be the downfall of our nation. If anyone needs evidence of the need for some sort of "eligibility test" to earn the right to vote, the 2008 election provides it. It is irresponsibility of the highest order to allow people who have no knowledge or understanding of the issues and no stake in the outcome (i.e. those who live on government handouts) a voice in decisions of such international consequence. Our election system is in desperate need of reform, but no such reform will come. We will keep allowing these morons to cast their ballots with their hormones rather than their brains until the country is completely destroyed.

Hopefully those among us with the intelligence and fortitude to pick up the pieces and build anew will right this particularly odious wrong the next time around.


  1. Gender is really not the factor in this argument. In fact, a few more-level-headed women, supporters of Senator Clinton, fought hard throughout the campaign to enlighten the masses.
    And, It was Chris Matthews (a male, I think) who experienced a thrill up his leg.
    There is still truth in the old saying that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and perhaps when the Henrietta Hughes class realizes that BHO cannot perform as promised, they will awaken.

  2. Perhaps I was too suble in my original post, and/or you didn't watch the video! ;-)

    My biggest beef is the bimbos who voted for The One because they fantasize about sleeping with him. I suppose gender need not be a factor in that argument, either...

  3. Um....I think I was subTle in the first post, not suble..heh.
