Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just Doodlin'

For those of us that don't take 4 to 6 hours per day perusing the blogs and the right wing news outlets, allow me to sum it up.
We have an American hater in the White House.
We have do-nothing officials in the House and the Senate.
We are allowing the rest of the world to question our judgement by electing a facist as our president when he didn't even prove he was eligible to run for office.
We screwed up, folks.
We need to fix it.
We need to participate in Tea Parties and other events that will ensure the impeachment of the number one hater of America, Obowma. Let him go to the middle east he proclaims to love and live there where his hatred of America will be shared by the masses.
We have become a bunch of lilly livered cowards who blindly elect hopenchage facists.
We need to take legal action now.
I pray to the God of my understanding that I will live to see the removal from office, this facist, who does not belong in the highest office of this country.
God Bless America, while it's still allowed. JC

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