Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Senator sells soul for perceived power

The news is everywhere...no need to link to any of the thousands of stories here. Senator Arlen Specter changed parties today. No longer is the least Republican of the Republicans in the Senate (with the possible exceptions of Maine's stellar examples of wishy-washy) a Republican In Name Only. Nope...he's finally living the dream...he's a Dimocrat! Huzzah!

The reason, of course, is because he's not ready to quit wielding power over the little people. He was trailing in the Republican primary polls by 20+ points and the handwriting was on the wall. The fine conservatives in Pennsylvania had no intention of sending the 80-year-old hypocrite back to the Senate (he'll be 80 next February). But, as a Dem, and having secured the promise of The Messiah to campaign for him, his prospects look much rosier. Pennsylvania has been trending bluer and bluer, and any Dem stands a pretty good chance of winning. Win, win for Senator Sellout...he's the new hero of the Democrat party, their likely 60th vote, and he has the support of Mr. Popularity himself. What could possibly go wrong?

Old Arlen says he'll maintain his independence and continue to vote his conscience, refusing to be a party line guy just like he always has. He may think he will, but he won't. Any time a vote comes up where he might be considering bucking the wishes of The One, Slow Joe Biden or Rahmbo will pick up the phone and remind Mr. Specter that his future is in their hands. For the next two years, minimum, they own him. He will not dare refuse to comply. He sold his soul for another six years of power, but lost any power he might have had in the process.

Sadly, Arlen Specter will go down in history as that pathetic old guy whose selfishness destroyed him, and quite possibly, the greatest nation on earth.

1 comment:

  1. At the end of this term, Spector will have been in the Senate for 30 years. He is 79 years old. Is there anyone on the planet who believes it would be in the best interest of the country for that old fool to be elected again?
