Monday, March 2, 2009

Bam's Bad Medicine

Sally Pipes has an excellent piece in the New York Post today discussing Obama's healthcare plans. The whole article is definitely worth a read, but this is my favorite byte:

The president's budget repeats the popular claim that 45.7 million Americans are uninsured. The figure is taken as proof positive that the current system is failing - and that the government must step in to provide a remedy.

But that misleading number includes millions we can hardly call uninsured. About 18 million of the uninsured make more $50,000 a year - and almost 10 million have yearly incomes over $75,000. More than 10 million aren't US citizens. And as many as 14 million are already eligible for government programs like Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP - but haven't signed up.

Hmmm...let's do a little math. Eighteen million with incomes in excess of $50,000 a year. That's more than double what some folks I know personally earn, and they manage to afford insurance for their family. "More than" 10 million illegal immigrants - we'll be conservative and just say it's an even 10 million. And another 14 million who are already eligible for existing government programs, but haven't chosen to enroll in them for one reason or another...dare we hope it's a sense of pride and self-respect? Whatever the reason...18 + 10 + 14 = 42, unless they've changed the rules for addition recently. Forty-two million of the 45.7 million uninsured! And, given that it's actually "more than" 10 million illegals, feasibly every single one of these "victims" is a victim by their own choice. At worst, we have less than 4 million people out there who want health insurance and are unable to get it (though it's difficult to imagine who they are...perhaps those who fall in the gap between Medicaid eligible and $50,000 a year?). For less than four million people we are on the verge of annihilating the health care industry in this country forever? Balderdash!

My own daughter, a high school senior, has dreamed of being a doctor for years. During the campaign last fall, hearing Obama's plans for "fixing" our healthcare system, she decided that if he was elected she would instead pursue a career in journalism and/or politics. She is unwilling to invest so many years of her life to pursue a dream that has been taken from her before she even begins. She is wise.

As usual, government seeks to "solve" a problem without addressing any of the root causes of the problem. If they truly want to fix the healthcare problems in this country, they should rescind most of the regulations placed on the industry - it is estimated that for every hour spent in actual patient care there is more than one hour spent making sure that medical professionals are adhering to all of the governmental regulations they are compelled to follow. Getting rid of the more contemptible regulations would greatly reduce costs.

At the same time, some additional regulations should be placed on the trial lawyers who are busily chasing ambulances. While there must be recourse for those who are genuine victims of poor medical care, the threat of lawsuits adds incalculably to the cost of healthcare. Doctors perform batteries of unnecessary and expensive tests prior to treating patients because they live in constant fear of being sued. Malpractice insurance premiums routinely run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, annually, for high-risk specialties. The billions that are wasted in, and avoiding, the courtroom are killing all of us.

Finally, it goes without saying that the American taxpayer should never have to foot the bill for treatment for anyone who is in this country illegally. As Zig Ziglar used to say, "You are where you are because it is exactly where you chose to be." Such is the case with illegal immigrants - they are here because they chose to violate the law and sneak in to our country through the back door. We owe them nothing. The idea that their criminal act makes them my responsibility is beyond absurd.

America has the most advanced technology and best trained medical professionals in the world. We are on the brink of throwing all of that away in exchange for a socialist dream of equality. For my money, equally miserable just doesn't cut it. Obama...heal thyself.

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