Thursday, March 12, 2009

A disaster of convenience

When it was necessary for the American people to be in a state of total panic in order to get the $787 billion porkulus package passed, Obama was there, right on cue. Remember? Just a couple of weeks ago, we were being told in ever more dire terms that this "crisis" would turn into a "catastrophe" of such magnitude that we might "never" recover. His tone was so negative that even the Democrats took notice, and began suggesting that he might want to lighten up a bit.

That was then. Now, the situation has changed dramatically. Now there's a four trillion dollar budget that is chock-full of socialist programs that do nothing to help the current economy, and a great deal to destroy the economy of the future. Again, a few of the more astute Democrats in D.C. are expressing doubts - this time about the wisdom of passing such a budget when our country is in the throes of such disaster.

So, ever flexible (hope! change!), Barack the Great Pretender has done a 180. Aw, guys didn't really take all that gloom and doom seriously, did you?
Obama, speaking to top executives of the Business Roundtable, expressed an optimistic vision and called for patience.

Richard Parsons, chairman of beleaguered Citigroup Inc., asked if Obama could offer some help in a national battle "between confidence and fear."

"A smidgen of good news and suddenly everything is doing great. A little bit of bad news and ooohh , we're down on the dumps," Obama said. "And I am obviously an object of this constantly varying assessment. I am the object in chief of this varying assessment."

"I don't think things are ever as good as they say, or ever as bad as they say," Obama added. "Things two years ago were not as good as we thought because there were a lot of underlying weaknesses in the economy. They're not as bad as we think they are now."

"And my long-term projections are highly optimistic, if we take care of some of these long-term structural problems."
Don't worry. Next week, when the Dems are firmly back in his pocket, it will all be a disaster again. Oh, and did I mention? It's all Bush's fault!

1 comment:

  1. I can no longer remain civil in my criticism of Barack Obama and his entourage of tax cheats and America-haters.
    Now saying more or less what John McCain said during the campaign,(about the fundamentals of the economy being strong)answered Fox News' Major Garrett's request for an explanation, by saying, "They lost that spin war - that is why we are here."
    All that highly acclaimed rhetoric, all that hope and change, all those promises, are now just spin, used to win an election.
