Friday, March 6, 2009

First is was Rahmbo, now Hillary's on board

Hillary Clinton put to rest any doubts about her loyalty to The One today, when she told the European Parliament, "Never waste a good crisis. And when it comes to the economic crisis, don't waste it when it can have a very positive impact on climate change and energy security."

They're never gonna get it, folks. The world is broke. Most of us have lost more than half of our retirement savings. Growing numbers have lost their jobs - more than 600,000 in February alone. Our camels' backs are about one straw away from disaster, and these buffoons are planning to dump on an entire haystack in the form of massive taxes for cap-and-trade, to fight a nonexistent problem based entirely on dishonest science.

If this doesn't convince you that these people are evil to the core, I don't know what will.

1 comment:

  1. Rarely in history have we seen a more blatently obvious attempt to bamboozle the public. I feel a sense of disbelief every time BHO opens his mouth. There have been orators in the past that have carried the day with their rheteric and we know what happened to the world then. Have we learned nothing? Those who forget history are bound to repeat it, or so the saying goes. Our congress is rushing headlong into another historical disaster with their eyes wide shut. As citizens it is our responsibility to remind our people in congress that they are accountable to us, not to Pelosi or Reid, to US. We can do that by calling, faxing, and emailing. Do it. For the sake of your children and grandchildren, do it. Pick up the phone and drive the people in the offices that support some of these knuckleheads crazy with your repeated phone call blitzes and faxes and emails. Don't give up. Don't ever give up. We must reclaim this country before we have NO country to reclaim. I am too old to learn to speak Farsii. (sp)
    Think for yourself. Do what is right. Demand that your congressmen and women and senators do what is right, too!!! We can win if we stick together and demand that our constitution be upheld. For the sake of all that is dear to you, fight for what is right before it's too late. JC
