Saturday, March 14, 2009

God, I love this woman!

Before I was even born, Mike Wallace did an interview with the most amazing person who ever lived, Ayn Rand. Through the magic of the internet, this interview is available to us today, fifty years later.

Of particular note is her unflinching, unapologetic rejection of Wallace's contentions that man is meant to be his brother's keeper. How refreshing to see someone so certain, and deservedly so, of her own knowledge, convictions and ideas. This woman could save the world, if the world would only listen.

Wallace so obviously just doesn't "get it." Admittedly, given the indoctrination we receive throughout our lives, it's difficult to wrap one's mind around true freedom and the unlimited potential of the free man.

h/t to nanosecondinvestments at the Power Line Forum.

1 comment:

  1. An opportunity for me to repeat that my favorite Ayn Rand book was "The Virtue Of Selfishness".
    A close second was "The New Left - The Anti-Industrial Revolution".
    I never read "The Fountainhead". I have read "Atlas Shrugged" a couple of times. While it was great, it was a novel and necessarily long.
    I like my reading material to cut to the chase and leave out the extraneous material required of a novel.
    I was very occupied on a business venture in 1959 and do not remember if I saw the Mike Wallace interview, so I very much appreciate seeing it now. I do know that I once recorded a radio interview with Ayn Rand (by Mike Douglas??). Maybe I will find that tape, digitize it and post it.
    An interesting footnote: I once employed a man named George Donnelly. He and his wife Sandra, were recent college graduates and were devotees of Ayn Rand. Compare that with the fact that a seeming majority of today's college graduates are decidedly left-leaning and would scoff at Ayn Rand's philosophies.
    More proof, I guess, that she was right back in the 1950s and 1960s.
