Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just Doodlin'

Once again I find myself wondering what our country is coming to... I guess I've been under the impression all my life that right is right and people are responsible for their own actions. I've always found that if I did something wrong, it goes away immediately if I admit it right away and can honestly say I apologize. When people try to hide their short comings is when they fall out of grace. (A word I don't often use.) I feel BHO ought to say "I'm sorry for leading people astray." He should continue by saying he was wrong and that he hasn't an idea in the world about how to fix our woes. He doesn't know a thing about hiring honest people to fill his cabinet posts. The Senate, ruled by liberal crooks like dingy Harry, approve the crooks he appoints so they can hold sway over them and force them to bend to the will of the Senate or they'll dredge up other crimes which may have been passed over during appointment time. BHO hasn't a clue. I almost feel sorry for what's going to happen to him during his 20 meetings in GBr. next week. I've never been ashamed of our leader before. I've been at odds with them and I've thought some of them were less than presidential in their actions, but I've never felt they were in over their heads like this poor schmuck. They will eat him alive. We are in real trouble, folks. We have an empty suit without his telepromptor. His ideas are socialistic if not communistic. His agenda is to bring us down to the level of third world countries. His entire life he's been around communists and socialists. His father was a horrible influence, Frank Davis was a communist and BHO's mentor, if not his biological father. But, all that aside, his training as a community activist did NOT prepare him for leading the best country in the world. He will prove to the world and, hopefully, to the people who voted for him here, that he is incapable of leading a street gang, let alone the USA.

I started this to say how I felt about KU losing last night. I don't know how I got off on that tangent... KU, at the beginning of the season, was not expected to even make it to the NCAA tournament. They certainly weren't expected to win the Big 12 championship. I am very proud of them for getting as far as they did. I would like them to know that they have a very loyal supporter in me. If Collins and Aldrich will avoid the NBA draft, next years team should be even better. Bill Self is a great coach and his under staff compliments his style. CONGRATULATIONS, KU JAY HAWKS!!!

Now, let's see what else I can rant on??? I could tell you how much I love my wife, but you all know that, so I'll quit for now. Love you all. J.

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