Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Busy day

Had my annual review at work today...happy bosses make for happy employees. Got a 5% raise, which is about as good as it gets where I work, so I'm pleased. Ironic that as I watch my 401k shrinking much more quickly than it grew, and the global economy is in total meltdown, that we find our personal economy better than it's been in years. With John again drawing a steady paycheck and my raise, things are definitely looking up.

Wish I could say that for the country world. But, alas, the insanity continues.

Saul Alinsky would be proud. His disciples continue to practice his techniques, this time applied to Rush Limbaugh. The pathetic attempt to discredit the Republican party by painting them as Rush's minions is so typical. When you have nothing of substance to offer the American people, you have no choice but to launch completely irrelevent attacks on those who do. Rush is one of the most articulate spokesmen around for conservative principles around and I'm proud to say I've been a Rush 24-7 member for years. The Republican party would be much better off if they were marching to Rush's orders.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Dear Leader has made a public ass of himself with his private overtures to Russia. Not only did they publicize his letter, they brushed his offer aside as unproductive. You can almost hear Putin saying, "Go away, little man. You annoy me." Only in Russian, of course! Eastern Europe, already near collapse under financial trauma, now has to face the Russian wrath for their willingness to cooperate with the missile defense plan without the support of the country that placed them in that position in the first place.

Obama seems quite confused about this friends and enemies thing. He seems to have gone out of his way to offend Great Britain on the occasion of Gordon Brown's first visit to America under the new administration. No White House dinner, no official press conference, and no good reason for the omissions...apparently the Boy Scouts are more important than one of our staunchest allies (no disrespect to the Scouts intended...it's a fine organization, but one that here every day of every year...one would think they would have understood if the President asked to reschedule). You may recall that Obama recently returned a bust of Churchill that Blair had loaned Bush...in what I sincerely hope is a veiled slap, Brown was to present The Messiah with a first edition of Sir Martin Gilbert's seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill.

I guess it was just silly of us, when Obama promised during the campaign to improve American's image in the world and restore our ties with other nations, to think that he meant to add more friends, not just swap our friends and foes. Live and learn...

We also learned today that we are fools for worrying about the stock market. It's no more important than those daily tracking polls before elections. Watching the markets' reactions and worrying about their steady decline is counter-productive - it might distract us from making all the changes that are necessary to fully implement socialism in our country.

The One has, in six weeks, grown so ridiculous that even his own party is revolting against him.

On a positive note, the Tea Party thing is gaining strength. There's another one scheduled for this Saturday in Olathe...can't wait!

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