Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Errors in judgment

Dear Leader has made many mistakes in his short reign of terror, on every front: economy, foreign policy, cabinet (and other) appointments, legislation, etc. Indeed, virtually everything he has done to date would qualify as an error by my standards. But now he's apparently trying to take himself down.

For the second time, in just four weeks, O'Dumbo is demanding prime time television coverage for a staged address. At a time when our economy is struggling and the networks are fighting for ratings, The Messiah has chosen to preempt the number one show on television, American Idol. For the second time in four weeks, the networks are forced to juggle their schedules, cancel scheduled advertising, and lose revenues to bring the word of The One to the public. And they are not pleased. Mistake number one: gradually chipping away at the good will of his extended public relations team.

Mistake number two: bumping the show that is most watched by his biggest fans. These young dunderheads don't give a damn about the real nuts and bolts of politics and what it takes to run a nation. They were on board for the campaign because it was all vague, touchy feely hopenchange. They don't want to hear him talk about saving healthcare - that's for the old folks! They couldn't care less what policies he enacts...but they will care that he is bumping their favorite Idols again. Idol is almost a cult phenomenon, and making a habit of upstaging it will have a backlash.

Most likely he figures that is the prime slot for him to speak - when all those young viewers are tuned in. But in the long run, this will be one of his most personally costly errors in judgment.

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