Sunday, February 22, 2009

About those approval ratings...

Obama's approval ratings are still hovering at around 60%, and I finally figured out why.

Jason Lewis is a talk radio guy from Minneapolis-St. Paul. If you're a regular Rush listener, you've probably heard Jason sitting in for Rush from time to time. I did, and really liked what I heard, so I looked Jason up online and found that he made podcasts of his local show available for free download. I've been a regular listener ever since.

Tonight, listening to one of Jason's shows from last week, I heard a call that suddenly made it all click in my feeble little mind. A guy who does collections for a living called in to Jason's show (can you even imagine a worse job to have right now? Better than no job at all, I suppose, but only barely), and said that he is encountering lots of people who are behind on their bills, but not worried about it in the least....because they're waiting for their stimulus checks. They think that they will be getting $5,000 checks in the mail any day now. Mr. Collector tries to tell them that no such check is forthcoming, but they refuse to believe him. When he says, "Ok, but can you do anything about this debt before you get your check?" - they tell him they did do something...they voted.

Sound familiar? Remember this lady?

I'm guessing there are, literally, millions of Peggy Josephs out there, just waiting for The One to hand them mountains of cash on a silver platter. They will not be pleased when they find out that their mountain of cash will, in reality, be approximately $65 a month for their family. It's sad, really, to think that there are so many naive fools in this country who are about to have their dreams shattered by cold, hard reality and the worst economy most of them have ever seen in their lives. Not only will they not get their mountains of cash, the cash they do have is about to become virtually worthless as the market is flooded with newly printed dollars and inflation begins to take over.

It's not looking good in the short term, folks. We are going to have massive civil unrest in the next couple of years as the dependents of the nanny state find themselves worse off than they were before their hero took office. The most tragic part of the story is that it is going to take the (near?) destruction of this wonderful country for them to learn the lesson we tried so hard to teach them before the election. Sometimes it sucks to be right.

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