Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sean, then and now

When Sean was born, I was so happy that my dear maternal grandfather, Alva Thomas Bradley, was alive to witness and share in this special moment. It was my wish to make him a great-grandfather, and that wish was granted on February 14, 1967. (And, yes, Sean will be 42 this coming Saturday.)

The "then" pic is such a precious pic to me because it records for posterity the familial link between two generations that actually spans four generations! This pic will be matted and framed and given to Sean on his 42nd birthday. I hope it will mean as much to him as it does to me.

The "now" pic is priceless to me because it reminds me of Sean's incredible versatility. When he sent me the link to the review on this I really wished that I could have been there for the opening performance. Sean then sent me two You Tube videos that were taken during the performance, and watching him sing his character's signature song "Talent" and then demonstrate how he wanted "The Pippi Song" to be sung, it made me laugh and cry, simultaneously.

I sent him an e-mail and told him that I've always known that he was a handsome boy and now a handsome man, but I never dreamed that he would turn out to be such a gorgeous woman!

Happy Birthday this week to My Funny Little Valentine, Sean!

Pam (Pinky)


  1. He is a gorgeous woman...much more so that the "real" woman shown with him!

    When we were just kids, I always thought he was about the cutest thing I ever saw. I would be interested in seeing the YouTubes if they're still out there somewhere.

  2. Looking at that picture of the infant Sean and my father, I am struck by how Dad looks older than I, even though I am today six years older than he was in that photo.

    But, dad was in bad shape with cancer at that time and, indeed, he died about one year later, in March, 1968.

    That was such a sad fact. I remember vividly that Dad was so particular about what he put in his stomach. He began each day with a cup of hot water... hot water! Easier on the stomach than coffee. He carried a lunch of sandwiches of boiled ham, his Thermos filled with buttermilk. Yet, he died of stomach cancer!

    Mother thought it was from breathing fumes of gasoline, which he delivered to filling stations, providing his family with food, shelter and clothing. Maybe.

    Want to know how to take care of your body? Don't ask me. I have no clue!
