Friday, February 13, 2009

Quick YouTube Video from the Republican Study Committee

Just over a minute. Rep. Tom Price, chairman of the Republican Study Committee, points out a couple of astonishing last minute changes in the bloated stimulus bill.

More change we can't believe...

Update: Here's Boehner on the House floor...truly unbelievable.

1 comment:

  1. I think there should be, if it doesn't already exist, a legal period of time between the idiots that draw up a bill like this, or any other, and the actual signing of the bill and making it law. If the interested public could have an input and make comments about the worthiness of the bill, some things MIGHT change. If all my constituents were against something which I had just approved, I might be more inclined to vote the way my constituents want me to vote instead of the democrat party line. I don't know what it will take to get these dim bulbs out of congress, but if someone has any idea in addition to voting them out, please let me know. Can a grassroots movement to impeach or recall be effective??? If anyone knows, please share that with me? I'd really appreciate it.
