Monday, February 9, 2009

Grade Card Time!

Well, Mr. 3P opened his mouth and then, knowing that
he had a captive (and slobberingly obedient) audience,
he refused to shut it! And it was all diarrhea dialog.

Still, I was really impressed (;P) that he KNEW the names
of all of the journalists whose questions he didn't answer!
But then when you have a pre-determined list of pre-selected
media "plants" armed with pre-screened queries, well,
you betcha you can remember just about anything.

Too bad BO can't remember the names of all of the 56, 57 or,
uh, 58 states that he's almost visited.

BO was not conducting a press conference; BO was presenting
a one-sided debate dissertation. And I still think he can't deliver
a speech worth a damn! Stammering is an annoying distraction,
and one that BO has polished to perfection.

So, I will do as I was once taught to do in debate class: rate the debate.

Many of the "commentators" later graded BO with an A-. I call this
derriere embracing, to phrase it a bit more delicately than my usual expression.

I give BO three B's: boring, blathering and bullscuballa.

Pam (Pinky)


  1. The man is a complete buffoon. I think your grade was a bit generous. I would go with 3 D's: deceitful, despicable and deficient.

  2. I concur, and will go a step further and drop the "grade" to F for the double-entendre of flatulent, with equal emphasis on both definitions.
