Thursday, February 19, 2009

What is Obama doing to our country???

I firmly believe Obama is trying to bankrupt our country, reduce our military, and cause us to become so weak that any muslim dictator can walk in here and take us over. I am open to argument to the contrary, but it really needs to be a good argument. Talk to me...


  1. I am not yet convinced that Obama is trying to destroy our country. Several of his early actions as president persuade me that he is not a very smart politician. Certainly not smart enough to participate in any such large scale conspiracy. He was a smart campaigner, in that he stuck to the message laid out for him with an unusual tenacity. But he has made many dumb mistakes since inauguration.
    In his role as a community organizer, Obama's goal was to take everything he could from "The Man" and give it to Chicago's welfare recipients. I believe he took that job out of a deep seated belief that poor blacks were purposefully exploited by powerful whites. You see that feeling growing throughout his book "Dreams".
    I believe his resolve, upon being elected, was to right all the "wrongs" he envisioned as a typical bleeding heart liberal.
    Joanna once sat on a jury in a case involving a man charged with armed robbery of a convenience store. Never mind that a nervous man, waving a gun around in a highly charged situation was endangering the lives of innocent people, one liberal woman on the jury insisted the man "was only trying to feed his family". Believe it or not, most liberals would see it that way.
    Killing members of my family may be okay if necessary to feed yours. Collateral damage.
    I believe Obama wants to spread the wealth to those he considers unfairly deprived. If collateral damage consist of weakening, even destroying our counrtry... well, that's the way it goes.

  2. I was deeply alarmed by some of the "firsts" of the Obama administration.

    First official phone call to a foreign leader? Mahmoud Abbas, Palestine.

    First news interview? Al-Arabiya, Arab television network.

    First consequential executive order? Ending enhanced interrogation, followed closely by closing Gitmo.

    First major legislation? A pork-laden abomination that does more, in a single bill, to socialize this country than all former legislation combined.

    I'm not sure yet what his motivations or goals are, but I become increasinly convinced that he is a very foolish and irresponsible man, with no understanding whatsoever of American values and beliefs.
