Thursday, February 26, 2009

Condemn them, for they know exactly what they do

I keep hearing good Christian conservatives say that they are praying for Obama and the Democrats - praying that God will grant them wisdom to realize the error of their ways. This idea is fundamentally flawed.

While it isn't likely that there are any Einstein intellects among the governing class, neither are they simpletons. These are not people who are simply unwise, making innocent mistakes. These are people with an agenda. They do not lack wisdom, they lack conscience.

Millions of people turned out to vote for Barack Obama, nearly all inspired by his message of hope and change. The vast majority of these people are basically good, moral people, who sincerely believed that they were doing something magical for the future of our country. They believed this because they were led to believe this with flowery, though non-specific, speeches and prose-like, but empty, rhetoric. I know a number of staunch Obama supporters (worshippers would be a more apt description) and I am a curious person. I wanted to know what they saw in this man - what they hoped he would change (certainly he never gave them any concrete information on this front). Overwhelmingly, they pointed to statements that led them to believe that he would heal the deep rifts in our society. I was told that he would find the middle ground, that he would bring us all together in grand compromise on the divisive issues such as abortion and the wars. Tired of the bickering in Washington and their own feelings of powerlessness, they flocked to a man who presented himself as a blank slate upon which they could paint their dreams. While this is frighteningly naive, it should do much to restore our basic faith in human nature and the fundamental goodness of the common man.

If the voters were guilty of gullibility, the Democrats, led by The Messiah, are guilty of much, much worse. Obama's blank slate was an intentional front used in a cold, calculating manner to achieve exactly the results it produced. There was never any reality to his image, never any desire to unite. The man is a narcissist, obsessed with power and controlling others. His entire life, to anyone who has taken the time to objectively examine it, has been carefully orchestrated to elevate him to a position where he is best able to advance his agenda of fundamentally altering America. He believes in socialistic philosophies and abhors a nation in which those of ability, drive and purpose have more than those with little motivation and less determination. His goal is, and always has been, to equalize our country. As Karl Marx wrote, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank, et al are liars. Flat out, unapologetic liars. They will say anything to further their cause, with absolutely no intention of ever keeping their promises. In the name of "fairness" they will steal from anyone, present or future. In their lust for power they will joyously adopt any measure that will stifle the opposition, regardless of the consequences. There is an evil in these people that terrifies me. They are willfully advancing their pet causes, knowing full well that those causes are the antithesis of what this country is supposed to embody. In direct, flagrant violation of our Constitution, they are pursuing a complete makeover of our representative Republic, turning away from freedom and liberty on every front toward a future of failure, misery and abject poverty. And as they incrementally strip us of ever more of our liberties, they assail anyone who dares criticize them as racists, bigots and ingrates.

We have seen this act before, and we have seen that no good can possibly come of it. Now we face the challenge of trying to rouse those around us to action when they have slumbered complacently for decades. It is the solemn duty of every freedom loving American to sound the alarm, to stand up and say, "No more!" The very foundation of our nation is at stake. For those of you given to prayer, do not waste it on the perpetrators of evil; rather, pray for the soul of our nation. Pray that your neighbors start paying attention before it is too late. For the love of all that is good in this land, and there is much, pray that they fail.


  1. To simply say I agree would fall on deaf ears. This was written by the woman I love and agree with almost all the time. This is exactly what Americans need to hear. The emperor's new clothes are indeed non existant. This empty suit at the head of our government will destroy our country if everyone just lets him go on. We ALL need to stand up and be counted. We ALL need to demand that our country be returned to what the founding father's intended. This man with a hidden adgenda will destroy us. I have said this before and will probably say it again, I'm glad I'm old. I feel sorry for those I'll leave behind to fight this battle, but I'm glad I won't be around to see the demize of my country. JC

  2. John... do not despair! Americans are already arising and I have complete faith that they will solve this problem sooner than later.

    You may not remember the tears we shed on December 7, 1941, but you were among us who wept on September 11, 2001.

    As a Japanese Admiral once said "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible rage." After each of the above events, the giant, indeed, awakened.

    Once again, the giant is stirring! Let the rage begin!
