Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Israeli Exit Polls

Exit polling indicates that Livni's moderates may have edged out Netanyahu's Likud party, though there are apparently doubts that Livni will be able to form a coalition.

I don't pretend to understand all of the rules of Israeli politics, but apparently it's not whether you win or lose, it's who you rub elbows with along the way. I'm surprised though, given the existential threat the Iran poses to these poor people, that they wouldn't line up in droves behind the guy who swore to topple Hamas if he was elected (that would be Netanyahu).

Don't suppose it's really any different than here, where so many are so clueless, but it just seems that frequent wars and suicide bombers and constant incoming rockets would tend to make one more aware of the evil in the world.

Given that 75% of Israelis would have voted against Obama, according to a poll I saw a while back, I just can't believe that they're opting for the diplomatic route. Seems more likely that this result is a bit like our Republican primary last year, where the conservative vote was split several ways, allowing a RINO who never did anything but stick his finger in the eyes of conservatives moderate to win.

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