Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh, happy day. Not!

Yesterday, the president held a news conference. Today, the Treasury Secretary held a news briefing. Today, the President held a "town hall" meeting in Florida and we heard from Henrietta Hughes and Julio.

The Senate voted. The value of the Dow Industrials group lost another $400.

My son is writing a textbook. A couple of textbook publishers announced they are suspending the publication of all educational books.

I have been on the verge of tears all day.

Am I losing it?

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps, but only temporarily.

    This country had become so complacent, so fat and happy. We all just assumed that everyone was like us - freedom loving, hard-working, ethical, self-reliant people. What a horrible shock to find out how wrong we were!

    But no nation can continue on the path we have been following. We learned that in the late '70's, in the era of Carter's malaise. It is difficult to imagine a happier outcome from that disaster than the eight years of Ronald Reagan which followed.

    I still believe that MOST people are, indeed, good, decent people...but they haven't been paying attention. They need a truly shocking wake up call. And they're getting it in spades (no pun intended).

    Henrietta Hughes and Julio typify an enormous chunk of Obama's support. There are millions like them out there, just waiting for Obama to make them rich (and they REALLY, TRULY believe that he will make them RICH). There is peril in promising the world during a campaign...the weak-minded believe the promises and expect them to be fulfilled. They will wait for a while, but sooner or later they will turn on The Messiah. And they will do so vociferously. The outcry against him and his false promises will be every bit as loud as was his support as they bemoan their fate and slowly adapt to their reality.

    The ostriches in our society will hear them, and see them, and be horrified by their expectations. And the heads will come out of the sand and the brains will once again function.

    As for the rest of us, we will continue to do what we do...live our lives the best way we know how, asking for nothing except the room to grow.

    The pendulum will swing back to sanity. Given the opening act of the new administration, maybe much more quickly than we imagine.
