Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jindal's Response

Great moment in history...first black president. We applaud the progress.

My parents had it tough, too, but they got off their butts and made their own way. They taught me to be responsible. Americans can do anything...we are awesome. We're in a time of challenge, lots of problems. Republicans want to fix this stuff, too. We want to hear good ideas from either party. We want to be strong partners, but we don't believe that government is the solution.

Katrina showed us that relying on government is not a great idea. Government regulations would not allow volunteers to help during Katrina. Our strength is not our government, it's our citizens.

Washington must lead, but not by raising taxes and amassing power. They must empower you, the citizen. Cut taxes for small business, tax credits for home buyers...Democrats think they know better than you do how to spend your money. They are spending money on their pet projects. Their legislation will not grow the economy, only the government. They are spending money we don't have on things we don't need. It's irresponsible.

We've cut taxes six times in my state, often with bipartisan support. If we can do it, they could, too. Gas prices are going to go back up, and Dems aren't doing the right things to make us energy independent.

No American should have to worry about losing health coverage. But no government run health care. Doctors should make the decisions, not bureaucrats.

Every child should have the best possible education. We have a scholarship program here to help parents send their children to private schools.

We must be ethical and transparent. Louisiana used to be half under water, other half under indictment...not any more. We must never see passage of another trillion dollar spending bill.

This is not the time to cut defense and war budgets. We must defeat our enemies.

We appreciate Obama's message of hope. Their view of the proper role of government is wrong - we believe in strengthening Americans, small business. Republicans lost their way, lost your trust, and now they want to earn it back. We will fight for conservative principles.

The president warned that we are facing a crisis that we may not be able to reverse. Don't let anyone tell you that America can't beat any adversity. We are confident in the future. We have the best citizens, the most resources, the greatest military, in the history of the world. Americans can do anything.

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