Friday, February 27, 2009

Editorial Roundup

After reading Prelutsky's excellent article (linked in Sam's post below), I was browsing around Townhall a bit, and came across two other outstanding pieces, by Charles Krauthammer and Thomas Sowell. Then a quick trip to Drudge Report led me to another, by Larry Kudlow.

Each of three pieces is linked at its author's name above. I give each 5 stars.


  1. These three pieces, which I read earlier, strongly reinforce my belief that one should rely on these credible analysts to understand the news.
    As presented - on the nightly news or in speeches by the likes of Obama - can obscure and confuse what is really being said.
    The analysts, Rush Limbaugh among them, have a wealth of knowledge to tell you what was really said, and what it really means.
    Go to Town Hall, Real Clear Politics, wherever you prefer, and read the columns!

  2. When I was in college they preached "critical thinking" constantly. It is a skill that is sadly absent from our society.

    I listen to Obama speak and I honestly "hear" the kinds of things I wrote in my "Thoughts on The Speech" blog the other night. That man could not have been elected dog catcher if the majority was thinking critically. They listen, but they do not hear.
